Taha Torkamanpour Asl - 34585127

Project Proposal: Cloud-based VPN with Amazon EC2


Nowadays, the internet has become an essential part of our lives. Ensuring secure and private communication over the Internet is crucial, which is why Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as a crucial tool for both individuals and organisations to safeguard their data and maintain privacy. This project proposes developing a cloud-based VPN solution that utilizes EC2 services to provide a scalable, reliable, and secure VPN infrastructure.


  1. Implementation of VPN Infrastructure: Deploy and configure VPN servers using Amazon EC2 instances to create a robust and scalable VPN infrastructure capable of handling varying demand levels.
  2. Security Enhancement: Implement industry-standard encryption protocols such as OpenVPN or IPSec to ensure end-to-end encryption of data transmitted through the VPN, thereby safeguarding against potential security threats and unauthorised access.
  3. Scalability and Reliability: Use Amazon EC2's scalability features to dynamically adjust server capacity based on traffic demands, ensuring optimal VPN service performance and availability.
  4. User Management and Authentication: Implement user authentication mechanisms to control access to the VPN, including support for multi-factor authentication and integration with existing identity management systems.


The project will follow a phased approach:

  1. Planning and Design
  2. Implementation
  3. Testing and Optimization
  4. Documentation and Training

Expected Outcomes:


This project aims to provide a cloud-based VPN solution with strong security measures, utilizing Amazon EC2. It will be scalable, reliable, and user-friendly, offering a trusted platform for individuals and organisations to secure their online activities and sensitive data.

Rationale for the Chosen License (MIT License):

The MIT License is a popular choice due to its simplicity, flexibility, and permissive nature. Its straightforward terms make it easy to adopt and integrate into various projects, without placing significant restrictions on users. This promotes collaboration and innovation within the development community. The MIT License also allows users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software, promoting transparency and openness. Its compatibility with other licenses makes it easy to combine code from different sources, encouraging contributions from diverse developers. Overall, the MIT License strikes a balance between protecting the developer's rights and promoting the free exchange of ideas and code.